DAC Products

Four Creative Product Display Ideas Every Business Needs

Showcasing your inventory is essential to securing sales; however, it’s hard to find unique ways to display products, especially if you carry similar inventory year after year. However, when it comes to your showroom, customers need more innovative displays that actually generate excitement – even if those displays are something like windows and doors.

After years in business, it’s challenging to find new ways to display your products. At DAC Products we understand that sometimes you need experienced display experts sharing their insight. That’s why today, we’re sharing our most creative product display ideas that can help take your displays to the next level.


Our Top Four Product Display Ideas

When it comes to your displays, it can be difficult to get creative. Rather than struggle to find innovative display ideas, our team has rounded up a few creative ways you can enhance your displays, and give an idea of your business’s brand!

Create a Narrative

When your customers go shopping, they’re likely not just looking for a product or two – they want to be captivated by your business itself! While it’s easy to think about making a sale, it’s hard to secure those sales without grabbing their attention, and what better way than to create a narrative throughout your store?

What do we mean by creating a narrative? Well, for starters, share your origin story! Sharing where you began vs where you are now can help customers get invested in your business as a whole. Create a retail display that shares your founding, using correlating colors and company branding on the back of the display, or have an independent graphic display your customers can read when they walk in. From there, you can begin shaping a narrative with your products!  For example, if you’re a handbag retailer, create product displays that show the evolution of product design. This will help your customers understand how your product has evolved over time. If you’re in the window and door industry, showcase original designs and sketches that demonstrate your initial thoughts and motivation to start the business!

You can also use this narrative to share your brand ethos with customers by creating product displays that showcase why you do what you do! If you sell organic products, create product displays that show the product growing in its natural environment, or if you carry sustainable goods, use product displays to highlight how your product can help the earth. Even if you don’t sell specific items that showcase your brand ethos, you can still create product displays that speak to your company goals!

Make Displays Educational

While driving sales forward is a significant part of the process, customers don’t always know why or when they’ll need your products during their shopping experience. Rather than use your sales team, which at times could push potential customers away, instead make your product displays more educational! No product display idea is perfect, but having a balance between educating and trying to make a sale is significant when it comes to helping customers reach that point in their buyer’s journey.

Curious how you can make displays educational? Try product displays that showcase product components, assembly instructions, or even product use! If you sell flooring, for example, consider using product displays to highlight the different qualities present in your product. Create a product display that shows the strength of the product after 5 years vs 10 years. Even if you don’t have specifications like this readily available, product display ideas like this one will help your customers feel more confident that the product they’re purchasing is right for them (and can last).

You can also think about product displays ideas that function as product showcases. If you’re selling products at a trade show or expo, create product displays that highlight product benefits and features using models who are open to answering product questions. This way, customers can decide on their own terms which product is right for them!

Implement Interactive Displays

Nothing helps customers make a decision quite like product interaction. At one point or another, we’re all buyers. What impacts your decision to buy a product? Knowing what it looks like, and how it works! Giving your customers the opportunity to interact and use your products builds trust, and encourages them to make a sale.

Not sure what product displays to implement to make product interactions possible? Use product display ideas like giving away product samples, or holding product demonstrations. Even if you don’t have the means of doing a product demo at your retail store or showroom, you can still create product displays that help customers interact and visualize how the product would look in their home. Also, think about ways to make your current product displays interactive. Electronics, tooling, homewares, and other industries have plenty of products that can be touched and used by customers. Take products out of their casing or packaging and compare them to one other, or against other competitors. This highlights key product features and gives customers the opportunity to see how well your products actually work.

Product displays are an important part of any retail experience. Whether you’re showcasing at a trade show or running product searches on your ecommerce site, creating product displays that help customers understand product benefits and features is key to product education. Product displays can also help you differentiate your product lines from the competition, keep customers engaged throughout their journey, inspire customers to create new product experiences for themselves, and more.

Use Multi-Purpose Displays

One of the best product display ideas you can implement is actually fairly straightforward – use multi-product displays! Multi-product displays are ideal for showrooms, retail stores, and new product launches. Not only do product displays like this make your space more efficient to walk through, but it’s also a great cross-selling opportunity! Your customers are better able to visualize not just what they need, but supplemental products that can enhance their work and their life. Plus, if you’re selling product lines that don’t always mix and match, multi-product displays can be incredibly helpful for informing customers about the differences in these products and presenting them in a uniform way.

How to Determine If Your Product Display is Effective?

Sometimes, it can be challenging to know exactly how engaging a product display is, and rightfully so – getting to know what excites your customers takes time. If you’re in need of a major display update, it can be difficult knowing what works best for your space and your customers. That’s why we’re sharing tips that can help you understand what makes your product display highly effective!

Customer Response and Engagement

Product displays are only effective if customers respond to them well. Determine what product display ideas interest your customers most by routinely changing display ideas and styles, and asking customers about their experience. Their feedback can be incredibly helpful and informative, and can help influence future product displays! When product displays are highly effective, they lead to product and service sales and conversions – but more importantly, they keep customers engaged! Product engagement is about making the product interaction so fulfilling that customers walk away excited and ready for their next product purchase.

Sale Conversions

If a product display is highly effective, then it should lead to high numbers of product or service sales. If you aren’t seeing a promising number of product or service conversions, it’s time to take a critical look at your product displays to determine what could be causing the issue.  Is product information not clearly visible? Are product features difficult to understand? New product displays might be the solution!

Cohesive Visuals

Ultimately, you can probably tell if a product display works based on how it flows within your current floor space or showroom. If it doesn’t align with your current products, then it’s likely not the right display for your industry!


If you’re looking for creative displays that showcase your products and merchandise,  DAC Products is ready to support you however we can. Our customizations process and approach is incredibly thorough and designed to bring your display vision to life. To view more of our work, download our display and fixture catalogs!

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