DAC Products Blog

How to Modernize Retail Store Fixtures

Published by DAC Products on August 25, 2021 10:00 am

If your storefront or showroom isn’t drawing in as much traffic as you’d like, it might be time to reevaluate your current retail store fixtures. Even though you might be changing out your retail fixtures and displays routinely, sometimes it takes a brand new approach to truly keep your customers engaged.  The best approach to modernizing your retail store fixtures? Maintain a balance between updating your fixtures and keeping a few traditional layouts!

At DAC Products, we understand how important it is to create the right retail environment for your customers. Although modernizing your storefront is no easy feat, we’ve rounded up some of our most helpful tips to get you started! Together, we can find the best modern retail store fixtures and keep customers coming back for more!


When is it time to Modernize Retail Store Fixtures?

Even though it’s easy to feel like your store fixtures are up to date, the truth is it’s difficult to notice when your storefront needs a change! Working in the same space day in and day out becomes so routine, it’s hard to see what you could be lacking after a while! However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make an effort to refresh your retail store. While you might change store fixtures seasonally, modernizing them requires a more significant amount of work.

You might be wondering just how often you should be updating your retail store fixtures? Well, the answer depends! While some fixtures might look out of date and in need of updates, that’s not always the best reason to change your fixtures! If you’ve considered any of the following reasons, then it’s likely time to modernize your retail fixtures.

  • You’ve Thought About Reconfiguring Your Space
    • Even if you’ve been in the same storefront for years, who says it has to stay the same way? Instead of feeling like you’re stuck in the space, take matters into your own hands! There’s no better time to update your fixtures than once you’ve already decided to reconfigure your retail space.
    • Before you update any retail store fixtures, decide on the new store layout! That will impact the overall presentation, lighting, and visibility of your fixtures.
  • You’ve Noticed Inventory Doesn’t Fit or Feels Out of Place
    • If you’ve noticed your merchandise looks lost on your pedestals, media walls, clothing racks, or other store fixtures, then it might be time for an upgrade. Your inventory will only become more interesting over time – so why not have a fixture to match? Plus, the last thing you want is for your storefront and inventory to clash with your fixtures!
  • You’ve Recently Rebranded or Moved
    • Eventually, we all decide it’s time for a significant change. If you’ve recently rebranded your website, company logo, or even completely changed locations, then it’s definitely time to modernize your retail store fixtures! With so many new developments, it’s the perfect opportunity to update old and out-of-date store fixtures.
  • You’re Running Out of Ideas
    • Sometimes, it’s hard to make things feel brand new, even with new inventory or products. Instead of getting stuck and risk pushing away customers, modernizing retail fixtures is a great way to make things look and feel brand new again! Trust us – people are bound to notice!

If any of the following scenarios sound familiar, then it’s time to take your current retail store fixtures and turn them into something new! The real question is how and where do you begin?


5 Ways to Modernize Retail Store Fixtures 

Now that we’ve discussed when it’s time to modernize your store fixtures, it’s time to determine how to approach this daunting task! However, before you begin, it’s essential to decide which fixtures need updating. Is it your customer service center, freestanding retail fixtures, or a little bit of everything? Once you’ve decided which areas need the most assistance, you’ll be able to have a better idea of where to start and how long the project will take!

Without further ado, let’s dive into the best ways you can update your current retail fixtures.

1. Consult with a Retail Store Fixture Manufacturer

Even though it’s easy to get caught up in your creativity, sometimes it’s difficult to envision what type of fixtures you need when you’re about to update your retail space. As retail fixture and display manufacturers, DAC Products understands how important of an undertaking this can be! That’s why we encourage you to work with a reliable retail fixture manufacturer before you begin this undertaking.

At DAC, we can listen to your ideas, concerns and put together a plan to create newly modernized retail store fixtures for your space. It all starts with your vision, but together we can create a concrete plan that makes the retail store fixtures you’ve always wanted.


2. Branch Out From Traditional Fixtures

As easy as it is to mimic other companies’ fixtures and displays, most of your competitors are probably following old-school tactics if they haven’t recently updated their space! Instead of thinking of what others are doing, start thinking about what they’re not! You’re bound to find a new retail display case, pedestal, or even cash wrap that configures better with your storefront and looks completely different.

When you’re thinking about modernizing your retail store fixtures, color and contrast are two of the biggest components. While plenty of storefronts go for traditional wood or white, see if there’s a way to add contrast to your space by adding a retail fixture with color. Your customers are bound to be interested if they see a media wall with a splash of color and your company logo.

Consider how these colors and configurations will look in your space long-term. The last thing you want is to jump on board with a trend, but sometimes it’s smart to take a risk and branch out from the crowd!


3. Add Technology Where Necessary

Depending on the types of products you carry in your storefront, technology is a necessary component of any retail fixture. Most of today’s shoppers want to do their research before approaching a sales representative, so incorporating technology into your retail store fixtures is a wise long-term investment! If you can, add a media wall where you can run promotions, relevant videos, or even stream your social media feed for all to see! It’s a nice way to include the going’s on of your company without going overboard.

At DAC Products, our team can create media walls, as well as informational or wall mount kiosks that can highlight your inventory. Whether it’s new items, customer favorites, or monthly product spotlights, our kiosks are a great way to add new technology to your retail store fixtures!


4. Install New Lighting

One of the best ways to make your fixtures look better is to install new lighting! You might be thinking – recessed lights can help my store fixtures? While it’s ideal to have bright lighting throughout your store, having spotlights within your fixtures or above them is a great way to capture a customer’s attention naturally and give your fixtures a whole new look! This is especially helpful for display fixtures and counters where electronics, jewelry, or other encased items are kept. Including a few valuable, white lights within or above the case can make it seem brighter and more appealing to customers.


5. Include Graphics and Signage

If you don’t have the budget to invest in brand new, modern retail fixtures, sometimes all it takes is a few small changes to give something a brand new look! One of the best ways to do so is with relevant graphics and signage! If you have a few key fixtures that customers tend to gather around, adding your company logo, slogan, or other relevant graphics to your fixtures can create an entirely new look. Plus, it’s an easy way to elevate the space and remind customers of your presence!

At DAC Products, we offer all our customers graphic printing services! Using high-resolution printers, we offer on-demand printing services that can complete a project or preexisting fixture in no time. Our graphic printing services apply to all displays and fixtures we manufacture, so you can elevate your products with your company logo, brand, or other custom graphics you provide us. Please note that we do not specialize in graphic design services. However, we can prep your existing files as needed before we go to print!


Create Innovative Retail Store Fixtures with DAC Products

If you’re ready to take your retail store fixtures and displays to the next level, then it’s time to work with manufacturers who care about the success of your business! At DAC, we’re committed to always putting our customers first, one project at a time. If you’re struggling to modernize retail store fixtures, together, we can create the best designs for your storefront and bring your vision to life!



Ready to learn more about our work? Our product catalogs are here to help you have a better idea of our design and manufacturing capabilities! Once you’re ready to move forward with a project, request a quote today!